seems like my 100th post is on my birthday..i am now officially 23..arghh..i feel so hikhik..thank you Allah for giving me an interesting life throughout the years..ive been blessed with such awesome friends and family members..i pray that they will always be in my life; for better and for worse..ya Allah, please bless me with health and happiness..semoga apa yang dilakukan mendapat keredhaan-Mu..amin~
happy birthday!...dapt kucing x?
ReplyDeletehee..tq2!! xdpt..mhl sgt la..cian kat mak..tunggu dpt 1st gaji la..kt beli gne duit sndiri..huhu..
ReplyDeletemak dah bg bela kucg 2...amek je y kat tepi jln...y mhal2 2 biar org kaye je y bela...sian kucg2 2....klw dijage comey gak nnt...mcm manje[ni ea name kucg y awk n fadz bela kat hostel dulu?]
ReplyDeletea'ah..nama die manje..sbb yg mhl la mak bg bela..konon2 sng jaga la, xd bbau la..huhu..xpe le..xd rezeki~
ReplyDeletexde bau sgt sbnarnye...xpe, posting xlame lg je...1st gaji nnt bertambahla ahli family awk ek??tp klw sy kan, mak dah nak bg amek je...huhu...bertuahnye bdan... ;]
ReplyDeleteinsy..kalo cukup duit nti, mmg kompem kt bli la..hehe~
ReplyDeletenak jd xleh plak...hukhuk...
ReplyDeletehuhu..xpe la..nk wat gane kn..hee~