Monday, November 30, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
i now eat veggies..huhu..
hehe..wanna noe a lil secret??..i used 2 loath 2 eat veggies..hate em..dun like em one bit..well, its not like i didnt eat em at all..but..kinda memilih la..but now..they're okay, i fav rite now..broccoli n cheese..try them..nom..nom..nom..

wat else ek..o yea..had dinner wif d whole fmily 2day..yup..including d newlyweds..hikhik..n my sis in law made makaroni bakar..special dish 4 our raye aji..nice!!

Saturday, November 21, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
hepy2 hour at mid valley..
went 2 mid valley wif gurlfrens jz now..fadz, tqah, wana n faiza (luv u la..muahx2)..our mission..clbr8 besday tqah n wana..huhu..smbil2 tu cuci2 mata sket..;j
had so much fun..but cian tqah coz of her cold..her head must b so berat all d time..huhu..we got there around 11 sumthing i think..bought some secret recipe's cakes..yummy..n had lunch at popeyes..luv its whippd potato..wat else ek..o yea..we went bowling!!!!..da lama x main wooo..;j
n now..time 2 go home..2moro after subuh..(kalo bgn la..hikhik)..batu gajah, here i come!!!!!
had so much fun..but cian tqah coz of her cold..her head must b so berat all d time..huhu..we got there around 11 sumthing i think..bought some secret recipe's cakes..yummy..n had lunch at popeyes..luv its whippd potato..wat else ek..o yea..we went bowling!!!!..da lama x main wooo..;j
n now..time 2 go home..2moro after subuh..(kalo bgn la..hikhik)..batu gajah, here i come!!!!!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
yeay..its over..hepy2 hour!!
yup..d exam's over n now its time for me 2 hepy2 hour..huhu..2moro's goin 2 clbr8 tqah n wana's bsday at mid valley..gonna hv so so much fun!!!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
one more..wat a day..
only one more paper 2 go..n then i'll b freeeeeeeeeee..well..not so lar..coz only hv 1 mth break..then prcticum for 3 mths next sem..sigh..exhausted..
p/s : paper assessment kes ty soalan yg x blajo nihhhh???..sakit ati..bikin gua panaaaaazzzzz!!!!
p/s : paper assessment kes ty soalan yg x blajo nihhhh???..sakit ati..bikin gua panaaaaazzzzz!!!!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
one down..two to go..
hey ya'll..juz finished d first day of exam 2day..damn confusing weh..its not dat hard lar..but so confusing..dunno wat i will get..~sigh~
there's another 2 paper next tues n thurs..wish me luck yea..amin...;j
there's another 2 paper next tues n thurs..wish me luck yea..amin...;j
Friday, November 6, 2009
Monday, November 2, 2009
bbq @ home..
picnic @ sg tekala..
so much fun!!!!!!..juz relaxin wif my clasmates..wanna do it again sumtime...;j
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